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cannot create external location: invalid Databricks Workspace configuration

New Contributor III

HI All

I am trying to create databricks storage credentials , external location and catalog with terraform.

cloud : Azure

My storage credentials code is working correctly . But the external location code is throwing below error when executing the Terraform apply .

│ Error: cannot create external location: invalid Databricks Workspace configuration

│ with module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.int_exl["prod"],
│ on ..\modules\dbs_external_location\ line 1, in resource "databricks_external_location" "int_exl":
│ 1: resource "databricks_external_location" "int_exl" {

can anyone please help me on this 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @manoj_2355ca,


Workspace URL: Ensure that the workspace URL is correct and accessible. It should be something like https://<workspace-name>

Personal Access Token: The personal access token used for authentication might be invalid or expired. You can generate a new token from the Databricks workspace.

Configuration Parameters: Check the configuration parameters of the databricks_external_location resource in your Terraform script. Make sure they are correctly set.

New Contributor III

HI @Kaniz_Fatma

Thanks for the reply . Even after correcting my databricks workspace provider configuration . I am not able to create 3 external location in databricks workspace.
i am using below code in terraform .
Provider .tf 


provider "databricks" {
  alias = "wrkshp"
  host = ""
  token = ""
in module file :
resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs" {

  for_each = var.exl_name

  name = each.value["name"]

  url = each.value["url"]
  credential_name = var.storage_cred

  comment         = each.value["comment"]
  metastore_id = var.metid
in module terraform tf :
terraform {
  required_providers {
    databricks = {
      source  = "databricks/databricks"
      version = ">=1.33.0"
      configuration_aliases = [ databricks.wrkshp ]
in module variable tf:
variable "exl_name" {
  type = map(object({
    name = string
    url = string
    #credential_name = string
    comment = string
    metastore_id = string
  default = {
    "dev" = {
      name = ""
      url = ""
      #credential_name = ""
      comment = "Managed by Tf"
      metastore_id = ""      
    "prod" = {
      name = ""
      url = ""
      #credential_name = ""
      comment = "Managed by TF"
      metastore_id = ""
    "uat" = {
      name = ""
      url = ""
      #credential_name = ""
      comment = "Managed by TF"
      metastore_id = ""

variable "storage_cred" {
  type = string
  default = ""

variable "metid" {
  type =  string
  default = ""
and in main module file :: 
module "dbs_external_location"  {
    source = "../modules/dbs_external_location"

    exl_name = var.exl_name
    storage_cred = module.dbs_storage_creds.storage_credential_id
    metid = data.databricks_metastore.int_meta.metastore_id

    providers = {

        databricks.wrkshp = databricks.wrkshp
This is failing with below error . Not sure what is wrong .
module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["dev"]: Creating...
module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["prod"]: Creating...
module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["uat"]: Creating...

│ Error: cannot create external location: invalid Databricks Workspace configuration

│ with module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["prod"],
│ on ..\modules\dbs_external_location\ line 1, in resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs":
│ 1: resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs" {

│ Error: cannot create external location: invalid Databricks Workspace configuration

│ with module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["dev"],
│ on ..\modules\dbs_external_location\ line 1, in resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs":
│ 1: resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs" {

│ Error: cannot create external location: invalid Databricks Workspace configuration

│ with module.dbs_external_location.databricks_external_location.exl_dbs["uat"],
│ on ..\modules\dbs_external_location\ line 1, in resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs":
│ 1: resource "databricks_external_location" "exl_dbs" {
can anyone help me on this .

Hi @manoj_2355ca, The error message you’re seeing indicates that there’s an issue with the Databricks Workspace configuration. 


Workspace Configuration: Ensure that the host and token in your provider configuration are correctly set. The host should be the URL of your Databricks workspace, and the token should be a valid personal ac...n.


Dependency on Workspace Creation: If your workspace is being created as part of your Terraform scrip....


Provider Version: Ensure that you’re using a compatible version of the Databricks provider. The error could be due to a bug in the provider version you’re using.


Permissions: Check if the token used has the necessary permissions to create an external location.


Remember to redact any sensitive information when sharing your code.

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