The Spark Session is already created for by the Databricks environment. However you can create your own
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Initialize Spark session
myspark = SparkSession.builder.appName("YourAppName").getOrCreate()
# Create a sample DataFrame for streaming
data = [("Alice", 1), ("Bob", 2), ("Charlie", 3)]
columns = ["name", "value"]
df = myspark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
|name |value|
|Alice |1 |
|Bob |2 |
|Charlie|3 |
Mich Talebzadeh | Technologist | Data | Generative AI | Financial Fraud
United Kingdom
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Disclaimer: The information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge but of course cannot be guaranteed . It is essential to note that, as with any advice, quote "one test result is worth one-thousand expert opinions (Werner Von Braun)".