Hi all,
For training purposes, I have cloned a repo from John Snow Labs into my Databricks account and am working in the notebook that you can review at https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop/blob/master/open-source-nlp/03.0.SparkNLP_Pretrai....
My little problem is with displaying images. For example, see the diagram immediately above the section heading "SpanBertCoref", that illustrates some concepts on a sentence beginning with "The sun is shining". In Databricks, the image doesn't render -- I only see the [image.src] placeholder instead.
Looking inside the Markdown code in the image cell, I see a quite a long encoding that I can't quote exactly here, because it breaks this message board interface. Here's a screenshot:

From sources like https://superuser.com/questions/1199393/is-it-possible-to-directly-embed-an-image-into-a-markdown-do... I gather that this is a known method for hard-coding images into the notebook via the base64 encoding.
Can Databricks notebooks be made to interpret and display cells like this correctly?