I am currently doing a course in Databricks academy: How to ingest data for Databricks SQL.
To create a table in the external location I am provided with the link that is not working anymore. Below is the link:
The query I am trying to execute is:
-- CREATE TABLE table_from_external_data LOCATION 'wasbs://courseware@dbacademy.blob.core.windows.net/how-to-ingest-data-for-databricks-sql/v01/bronze';
-- SELECT * FROM table_from_external_data;
The error I am getting is:
[UC_FILE_SCHEME_FOR_TABLE_CREATION_NOT_SUPPORTED] Creating table in Unity Catalog with file scheme wasbs is not supported.
Instead, please create a federated data source connection using the CREATE CONNECTION command for the same table provider, then create a catalog based on the connection with a CREATE FOREIGN CATALOG command to reference the tables therein. SQLSTATE: 0AKUC
I understand that wasbs is deprecated. I tried an alternative solution of creating a mount point but I am unable to do it without access key. How can I resolve this issue?
The training seems to be outdated.