I have a zip file which in turn has multiple zip files inside it. I tried to write a code in databricks notebook to unzip all these files at once, but I ran into an error. So I started to unzip these one by one, but the code which worked in unzipping the first file(parent zip file) does not work for the child zip files. Should I have to follow a different approach?
# copy to dbfs
%fs cp 'abfss://testdata@flowwesteuropedevappsa.dfs.core.windows.net/lz/INDIA_archive_LTA1_0_20240530-142643067.zip' dbfs:/FileStore/shared_uploads
#rename files
old_name = r"dbfs:/FileStore/shared_uploads/INDIA_archive_LTA1_0_20240530-142643067.zip"
new_name = r"dbfs:/FileStore/shared_uploads/sample.zip"
dbutils.fs.mv(old_name, new_name)
#unzip parent file
unzip /dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/sample.zip
#here I get multiple zip files with the message inflating: zip1.zip, inflating: zip2.zip....
#unziping one child zip
unzip /dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/zip1.zip