Hello @RiyazAli Thanks. I am thinking of using Databricks REST API's. I need to check on the reporting tool side to see whether it accepts code snippets. I have enabled unity catalog and I am planning to use below code on databricks side, getting ErrorClass=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE.LOCATION_OVERLAP] error message.
Any suggestion on what needs to be changed. Also what are my options on the Reporting tool end to retrieve table data
import requests
import json
TOKEN = 'xxxxxxx'
my_json = {"statement": "select * from delta.`abfss://databricks-storage@sa14127e1dv0101.dfs.core.windows.net/catalogs/catalogs/drm/__unitystorage/schemas/a8459dc4-6921-460b-a546-27e5cf370493`", "warehouse_id": "33dab3d9caf0e58b"}
auth = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN}