Hello I am trying to send multiple post requests to an endpoint, i have a spark dataframe and each column of this dataframe is sent through the payload of the post request.
However when i run this in my notebook, no exception is raised. I'm guessing it is because the requests are executed on spark workers
That's why i wonder how can i get the info if a post request returned a HTTP error 422 or 502 ?
Here's something i tried but with no result
url = "string"
headers = {
'header': 'XXXXX'
def process_partition(partition):
partition_errors = []
for row in partition:
payload = {
"col1": str(row["col1"]),
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
partition_errors.append({"error": str(err), "data": row.asDict()})
except Exception as e:
partition_errors.append({"error": str(e), "data": row.asDict()})
return partition_errors
def log_errors(errors):
if errors:
for error in errors:
print(f"Error: {error['error']}, Data: {error['data']}")
print("All data has been sent.")
all_errors = []
def collect_partition_errors(partition):
errors = process_partition(partition)