Hi all,
I've been fighting with an issue for several weeks and it's driving me nuts. By default, databricks in our environment uses 0.20.0 of the databricks-sdk. I've been trying to update that to 0.30.0 using the pip magic work or via the requirements.txt file and installing it that way.
It looks like the package installs correctly. When I run 'version' on it, I get back 0.30.0...however, when I finally get around to calling my code...
`databricks_group = next(dbk_ac_client.groups.list(filter=f"displayName eq '{group}'"))`
I end up with this:
`Error was: 'list' object is not an iterator`
Seems like the lists changed to iterators sometime in the last few versions of the SDK.
Any help would be much appreciated!