Unfortunately, in delta live tables, you can not specify runtime (except current and preview, which you mentioned). It could be helpful that DLT runtimes releases are mentioned on the databricks side the same way as SQL, ML, and standard ones @Kaniz Fatma @Prabakar Ammeappin @Lindsay Olson
Regarding the cloudwatch script, I know that one from the AWS blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/how-to-monitor-databricks-with-amazon-cloudwatch/
I think the issue is that since 11.0 log4j is in version 2:
Log4j is upgraded from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2
Log4j 1 is being upgraded to Log4j 2. Legacy Log4j 1 dependencies are being removed.
If you depend on the Log4j 1 classes that were previously included inside the Databricks Runtime, those classes no longer exist. You should upgrade your dependencies to Log4j 2.
If you have custom plugins or configuration files that depend on Log4j 2, they may no longer work with the version of Log4j 2 in this release. For assistance, contact your Databricks representative.