01-20-2022 05:36 AM
Hi, I am trying to set up Databricks CLI using the command prompt on my computer. I downloaded the Python 3.9 app and successfully ran the command
pip install databricks-cli
When I try to set up the Databricks token, I am able to type my Databricks Host, but the command prompt won't let me type the token. I also cannot do ctrl+v.
c:\Users\fboul\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\Scripts>databricks configure --token
Databricks Host (should begin with https://): https://adb-735xxxxxxxxxxxx82.2.azuredatabricks.net/
I don't know if it's normal, but my Databricks Host is a number instead of a region. In every tutorials that I watched it was always a region.
Do you know how I could be able to type my token in the command prompt?
Thank you
01-21-2022 07:14 AM
Ok, I finally was able to solve this issue. Once I entered
databricks configure --token
I was able to put my host normally (what I was typing was shown on the cmd prompt). But what I would type or paste as the token wasn't shown.
The tricky part is that ctrl+v didn't work BUT doing only right-clic (without a menu to select paste) would paste what I had copied. Nothing was shown on the cmd prompt but the pasting was done correctly.
I am using Python 3.10
Thank you everyone for your help!
01-20-2022 07:57 AM
Your access credentials are stored in the file
~/.databrickscfg on Unix, Linux, or macOS, or %USERPROFILE%\.databrickscfg on Windows. Please locate file and just edit it:
host = <workspace-URL>
token = <personal-access-token>
01-21-2022 12:22 AM
yea that changed a while ago, now it is indeed a number like adb.123...2.azuredatabriccks.net,
so no worries.
Not being able to paste in a command prompt I experienced too on some windows installs. Can you copy the token on the clipboard and try right-click instead of ctrl-v?
01-21-2022 07:14 AM
Ok, I finally was able to solve this issue. Once I entered
databricks configure --token
I was able to put my host normally (what I was typing was shown on the cmd prompt). But what I would type or paste as the token wasn't shown.
The tricky part is that ctrl+v didn't work BUT doing only right-clic (without a menu to select paste) would paste what I had copied. Nothing was shown on the cmd prompt but the pasting was done correctly.
I am using Python 3.10
Thank you everyone for your help!
01-21-2022 12:03 PM
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