08-19-2021 11:15 AM
I am trying to sign up for the community edition (https://databricks.com/try-databricks) for use with a databricks academy course. However, I am unable to signup and I receive the following error (image attached). On going to login page (link in orange in error box) to see if password reset can help, I receive the following message from databricks:
"Hello, A request has been made to reset the password of your Databricks account. However, it appears that your user does not belong to https://community.cloud.databricks.com/login.html. If you would like to access this workspace, please contact your Databricks administrator or your Databricks support representative."
So it seems I don't have an account with the email address and I can't even create a new account. I would be obliged if this could be looked in at a timely manner as my databricks ILT is going on and getting this sorted would be essential, as then only the training could be completed. Please help.
01-25-2022 04:13 PM
I am also facing the same issue. If it's resolved please try to help me.
01-29-2022 09:22 AM
_5_months_ago_. Still a problem. Truly embarrassing. I've even used the "Contact Sales" link and page and been ignored over a week.
01-30-2022 06:34 AM
I'm currently facing the signup issue as well. Any solution please
08-16-2024 04:00 AM
Hello Kaniz, I am facing an issue regrading with databricks session expired for ever minute. Please help me for solving this issue
08-17-2024 06:35 AM
hey Hii Ajay, did the issue resolved, i am also facing the same issue, please help me if you have a solution
06-15-2022 07:56 AM
Hi, I am unable to sign up for the Community Edition.
02-20-2023 05:52 PM
same issue.
click on sign up
opens https://www.databricks.com/try-databricks#account
first page filled out
click continue
second page link for 'Get started with community edition' link does not take me any further
02-20-2023 08:00 PM
same issue. cant sign up for community edition. when i click on Get started with community edition in the below link it does nothing, Tried in multiple browsers and the result is the same.
02-21-2023 12:16 AM
I am also facing the same issue.
03-14-2023 08:50 AM
I think, I found the problem, if you used your email id login into community portal, you should remove any special character ( . i.e. a dot/fullstop in my case) and try using only [ alphanumeric@domainname ] ex. [xxx123@gmail.com]. it will work 😁
I guess databricks stores a username after purging the special characters from it . pretty weird 😳
01-16-2025 09:45 PM
This worked for me.
But what a bs system though
04-06-2023 03:27 AM
I am facing the exact community edition login issues here.
04-06-2023 09:59 AM
I have signed up for community edition by using the steps to follow but the mail i get is from databricks and not from the community edition, and adding to that iam not able to sign in even after verifying the mail. can anyone help me with the same?
04-06-2023 11:33 AM
Yeah right. And support for the concern is trash.
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