Dear Team,
I am trying to establish a connectivity to PostgreSQL to Databricks community edition using sql notebook
however I am encountering the below error
Error in SQL statement: IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Host name should not contain query strings or parameters.
# using the below SQL from the databricks sytax
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgresql_table;
CREATE TABLE postgresql_table
USING postgresql
dbtable 'orders',
host 'postgresql://',
port '5432',
database 'itworld_sms_db',
user 'world_sms_user',
password 'xxxxxxx'
username = itworld_sms_user
password = xxxxxxx
hostname =
port = 5432
database = itworld_sms_db*/
my questions are the following
1) can we establish connectivity using a community edition notebook ?
2) if yes to question 1 then what is wrong with the above syntax?