We are trying to interact with dbfs to upload files and list files in dbfs directory ( we are tring to upload files in volumes ). Although we have necessary permissions on databricks, we are still getting permission denied when we are making rest api calls.
We are able to work successfully on databricks notebooks with same permissions.
error code when we are trying to list files in a directory
{"error_code":"PERMISSION_DENIED","message":"No operations allowed on this path"}
erorr when we are trying to upload files in a directory:
{"error_code":"INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE","message":"You must provide the upload path!"}
the request to upload file looks like this:
{'path': 'dbfs:/Volumes/sandbox/managed/mvolume/new_file.json', 'contents': 'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=', 'overwrite': 'true'}
Any leads why this is not working, would be appreciated. Thank you 🙂