Hi all,
We have been having an issue as of yesterday which I believe is related to queries against the system.access.table_linage in Unity Catalogs. This issue still persists today
We get the following error:
AnalysisException: [RequestId= ErrorClass=BAD_REQUEST] Delta Sharing Reconciliation Failed with: com.databricks.api.base.DatabricksServiceException: INTERNAL_ERROR: DS_INTERNAL_ERROR_FROM_DB_DS_SERVER: Failed request to sharing server Endpoint: https://data-sharing-service.data-sharing.svc.cluster.local:443/api/2.0/delta-sharing/metastores/...... Method: GET HTTP Code: 503 Status Line: 503
Please try again later.
The query we are sending is from inside a Databricks notebook which has worked for months up to this point. I do understand that this particular table is in Public Preview
Also additional note when running a simple SELECT from this table using serverless SQL, it was taking a considerable amount of time. It appears to sometimes yield the results but most other times it does not.
Any advice or information on this particular issue would be greatly appreciated.