I have created my table in Databricks, at this point everything is perfect i got the same value than in my CSV.
for my column "Exposure" I have :
0 0,00
1 0,00
2 0,00
3 0,00
4 0,00
But when I load my file with spark, in the column exposure I have something different:
0 14 032,24
1 14 032,24
2 8 061,94
3 8 061,94
4 15 506,37
I use this code to load by table:
import pandas as pd
df = spark.table("imos_prior").toPandas()
Do you know how could specify the full path of my table ?
My table is located by default in default/imos_prior
Or do you have any idea why the value could have change ? I hope is just a question of different file that is used by sparks.
Thanks you