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High cost of storage when using structured streaming

New Contributor II

Hi there,

I read data from Azure Event Hub and after manipulating with data I write the dataframe back to Event Hub (I use this connector for that):

#read data
df = (spark.readStream 
#some data manipulation 
#write data
ds = df \
  .select("body", "partitionKey") \
  .writeStream \
  .format("eventhubs") \
  .options(**output_ehConf) \
  .option("checkpointLocation", "/checkpoin/eventhub-to-eventhub/savestate.txt") \
  .trigger(processingTime='1 seconds') \

In this case, I get high storage costs, which far exceed my computational costs (4 times). The expense is caused by a large number of transactions to the storage:

transactions in azure storageI tried to reduce the number of transactions by using processingTime as a trigger, but it didn't bring any significant result (for me, a minimal delay is critical). 

Question: am I using structured streaming correctly, and if so, how can I optimize storage costs? 

Thank you for your time!


Esteemed Contributor III
Esteemed Contributor III

Hi, Could you please refer and let us know if this helps?

New Contributor II

Debayan, thanks for your recommendation, I read this article, but it does not answer my question. 

I'm just learning how to work with Databricks, and perhaps these costs are normal for structured stream processing? 

Not applicable

Hi @Serhii Dovhanich​ 

Hope all is well! Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue and would you be happy to share the solution or mark an answer as best? Else please let us know if you need more help. 

We'd love to hear from you.


New Contributor III


I ran into the same problem today. The core of my problem was with an aggregation and join, my stream does not generate massive amounts of data but it still used 200 shuffle partitions. After scaling this down to 2 (you have to clear checkpoints to take effect) my transactions went down significantly. Hope this helps!

New Contributor II

I had the same problem when starting with databricks. As outlined above, it is the shuffle partitions setting that results in number of files equal to number of partitions. Thus, you are writing low data volume but get taxed on the amount of write (and subsequent sequentialread) operations. Lowering amount of shuffle partitions helps solve this. On top of that, consider using spark.sql.streaming.noDataMicroBatches.enabled  so that empty microbatches are ignored.

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