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How do I prevent _success and _committed files in my write output?

New Contributor III

Is there a way to prevent the _success and _committed files in my output. It's a tedious task to navigate to all the partitions and delete the files.

Note : Final output is stored in Azure ADLS


New Contributor III

This was recommended on StackOverflow though I haven't tested with ADLS yet.

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs", "false")

Note it may impact the whole cluster.

You could also use dbutils.fs.rm step to remove any created files.



This solution is working in my local intellij setup but not with Databricks notebook setup.

New Contributor III

Did you try with a new Databricks cluster using initialization scripts?

New Contributor III

A combination of below three properties will help to disable writing all the transactional files which start with "_".

  1. We can disable the transaction logs of spark parquet write using "spark.sql.sources.commitProtocolClass = org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.SQLHadoopMapReduceCommitProtocol". This will help to disable the "committed<TID>" and "started<TID>" files but still _SUCCESS, _common_metadata and _metadata files will generate.
  2. We can disable the _common_metadata and _metadata files using "parquet.enable.summary-metadata=false".
  3. We can also disable the _SUCCESS file using "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs=false".

This is very helpful ... Thanks for the information ... Just to add more info to it if somebody wants to disable it at Cluster level for Spark 2.4.5. they can edit the Spark Cluster -) Advanced Options and add above but you need to use <variable> <value> like below :

parquet.enable.summary-metadata false

If you want to add it in databricks notebook you can do like this:

spark.conf.set("parquet.enable.summary-metadata", "false")

Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

Please find the below steps to remove _SUCCESS, _committed and _started files.

  1. spark.conf.set("","false") to remove success file.
  2. run vacuum command multiple times until _committed and _started files are removed.
spark.sql("VACUUM '<file-location>' RETAIN 0 HOURS")