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How to activate ignoreChanges in Delta Live Table read_stream ?

New Contributor III

Hello everyone,

I'm using DLT (Delta Live Tables) and I've implemented some Change Data Capture for deduplication purposes. Now I am creating a downstream table that will read the DLT as a stream (dlt.read_stream("<tablename>")).

I keep receiving this error :

> Detected a data update (for example part-00000-6723832a-b8ca-4a20-b576-d69bd5e42652-c000.snappy.parquet) in the source table at version 11. This is currently not supported. If you'd like to ignore updates, set the option 'ignoreChanges' to 'true'. If you would like the data update to be reflected, please restart this query with a fresh checkpoint directory.

And I've tried these options to activate this configuration :

           comment="This table contains the test strategy table",
          spark_conf={"ignoreChanges": "true"})

And so far nothing has worked. Is it because this configuration is not possible with DLT ? Or is it because there is another way to set this configuration up ?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Adrian Löwenstein​, This article has explained in detail below a couple of ideas on how to resolve this issue. Please let us know if this helps.

Also, This article describes how to update tables in your Delta Live Tables pipeline based on changes in source data. To learn how to record and query row-level change information for Delta tables, see Use Delta Lake change data feed on Databricks.

You can use change data capture (CDC) in Delta Live Tables to update tables based on changes in source data. CDC is supported in the Delta Live Tables SQL and Python interfaces. Delta Live Tables supports updating tables with slowly changing dimensions (SCD) type 1 and type 2:

  • Use SCD Type 1 to update records directly. History is not retained for records that are updated.
  • Use SCD Type 2 to retain the history of all updates to records.

Hi @Kaniz Fatma​ , thanks you for your answer. Unfortunately it doesn't solve my issues.

My question was about Delta Live Tables and not classical Delta Tables. I was wondering if applying the suggested settings : ignoreChanges was even possible in DLT ...

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Adrian Löwenstein​ ​, We haven’t heard from you since my last response, and I was checking back to see if you have a resolution yet.

If you have any solution, please share it with the community, as it can be helpful to others. Otherwise, we will respond with more details and try to help.

Also, Please don't forget to click on the "Select As Best" button whenever the information provided helps resolve your question.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi, the team @Prabakar Ammeappin​ @Werner Stinckens​ @Jose Gonzalez​ @Lindsay Olson​ . Recently, I had the same issue with the .option("ignoreChanges", "true") not working for DLT tables, and it was frustrating 🙂 Maybe we could get some internal insides about that.

Hi @Hubert Dudek​, Let us look into the issue and get back to you.

New Contributor II

any update on this? will this be possible anytime soon with DLTs?

We would be also interested in this. This is critical functionality for us as we need to handle changes in the data. Otherwise, we cannot consider DLT as a viable solution although we would want to.​

I am also facing the same issue . is there any update on how to enable ignoreChanges for dlt tables please?

below is my code and it's not working

def messages_raw():

 return (

  # load incrementally



   .option("cloudFiles.format", "json")


   .option("ignoreChanges", "true")

#    .load("/mnt/raj-zuk-comparis-poc/messages*.json"))


New Contributor II

Hi @Kaniz Fatma​ ,

We're facing with the same issue, but with the "ignoreDeletes" option. Is there any progress in solving the problem?

New Contributor III

Have anyone found the issue? We are facing the same thing

New Contributor II

Hi @Kaniz Fatma​ ,

I am working on a use case where I am keeping customer data using medallion architecture using Delta live Tables.

But I would like to also delete data based on GDPR. So, I have tried deleting using simple delete script basically deleting that consumer older than 5 years from bronze, silver and gold tables.

After that, I tried to run DLT pipeline again and ran into issue like mentioned above.

" Detected a data update (for example part-00000-6723832a-b8ca-4a20-b576-d69bd5e42652-c000.snappy.parquet) in the source table at version 11. This is currently not supported. If you'd like to ignore updates, set the option 'ignoreChanges' to 'true'. If you would like the data update to be reflected, please restart this query with a fresh checkpoint directory."

Any idea how to implement ignore changes and ignore deletes in DLT?

Esteemed Contributor III

Yes, that is a pain currently. I bet that for now, you need to perform a full refresh with cleaned checkpoints.

Contributor III

We have identified a work around to resolve this issue:

df_table = spark.sql(f'''SELECT * FROM Employee''')

df_table.write.mode("append").json("/mnt/temp_table/ Employee ",ignoreNullFields=False)


COMMENT "Employee temp"




FROM cloud_files("/mnt/temp_table/ Employee ", "json")

-- Create and populate the target table.





 stream(Live. Employee_temp)








Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Adrian Löwenstein​  (Customer)​ ​, It would mean a lot if you could select the "Best Answer" to help others find the correct answer faster.

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