Looking at the API for Dataframe.unionAll() when you have 2 different dataframes with different number of columns and names unionAll() doesn't work.
How can you do it?
One possible solution is using the following function which performs the union of two dataframes with different schemas and returns a combined dataframe:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def union_different_schemas(df1, df2):
# Get a list of all column names in both dfs
columns_df1 = df1.columns
columns_df2 = df2.columns
# Get a list of datatypes of the columns
data_types_df1 = [i.dataType for i in df1.schema.fields]
data_types_df2 = [i.dataType for i in df2.schema.fields]
# We go through all columns in df1 and if they are not in df2, we add
# them (and specify the correct datatype too)
for col, typ in zip(columns_df1, data_types_df1):
if col not in df2.columns:
df2 = df2\
.withColumn(col, F.lit(None).cast(typ))
# Now df2 has all missing columns from df1, let's do the same for df1
for col, typ in zip(columns_df2, data_types_df2):
if col not in df1.columns:
df1 = df1\
.withColumn(col, F.lit(None).cast(typ))
# Now df1 and df2 have the same columns, not necessarily in the same
# order, therefore we use unionByName
combined_df = df1\
return combined_df