I'm a Premium Plan user and am trying to share a notebook via URL.
The link at https://docs.databricks.com/notebooks/notebooks-manage.html#publish-a-notebook states: "If you’re using Community Edition, you can publish a notebook so that you can share a URL path to the notebook."
When I try to login via the Community Edition portal (https://community.cloud.databricks.com/login.html) with my Premium Plan credentials, I get "Invalid email address or password".
If instead I try to create a new account, it complains with "We cannot create an account with the email you provided." (presumably because of the Premium Plan account).
Bottom line: I can neither sign-in nor sign-up as a Community Edition user, and therefore cannot share a URL to my notebook (unless it's possible with Premium Plan and simply undocumented).
Thank you in advance,
PS: I had to create a different account with a different email address in order to sign-in to this forum, since it itself uses the "Community Edition"