10-26-2021 01:40 AM
05-24-2022 11:52 PM
you can try:
my_df = spark.read.format("csv")
.option("inferSchema","true") # to get the types from your data
.option("sep",",") # if your file is using "," as separator
.option("header","true") # if your file have the header in the first row
from above you can see that my_df is a spark dataframe and from there you can start with you code.
10-26-2021 01:55 AM
This means the path to the file you typed is not valid, the file is not there.
Can you check in the Data/DBFS page if the file is there (or via dbutils.fs.ls)?
10-26-2021 02:20 AM
08-18-2022 09:54 AM
I am wondering how it worked for you. I have tried the same steps and no
luck. using dbutils i am finding file but when i read using pandas its saying no such file or directory exists.
Please help here. uploaded the same file that am working on.
Also, please check if you have applied any settings that we are missing.
08-18-2022 10:40 AM
Hi Kumar,
you're almost there, try this:
df1 = pd.read_csv("/dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads/kumarpalle/Covid19Europedata.csv")
08-19-2022 03:00 AM
Hi @Alexis ,
Thanks for quick response. It above method didn't worked but reading using spark and appending to Pandas it worked.
Here are the steps that i followed.
df1 = spark.read.format("csv").option("header", "true").load("dbfs:/FileStore/shared_uploads/kumarpalle/Covid19Europedata-1.csv").toPandas()
08-19-2022 03:01 AM
@Venky D Please follow the above steps to read using Spark as pandas doesn't work through dbfs.
03-03-2023 08:01 AM
same issue here... .toPandas() was also my only solution... otherwise error!
08-30-2023 08:46 AM
I did the same as you, but the reading does not work.
Can you help me? thanks
10-26-2021 02:21 AM
Please help me on this error
10-26-2021 02:36 AM
can you try without the dbfs part?
so /Filestore/tables/world_bank.csv
10-26-2021 03:46 AM
it's not working
10-26-2021 03:57 AM
I see that you are using databricks-course-cluster which have probably some limited functionality. Not sure where dbfs is mounted there. When you are using dbutils it display path for dbfs mount (dbfs file system).
Please use spark code instead of pandas so it will be executed properly:
df = spark.read.csv('dbfs:/FileStore/tables/world_bank.csv')
10-27-2021 07:17 AM
05-24-2022 09:13 AM
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