I did check this but it does not help me sadly. My problem is not necessarily with the Feature Lookups part, but with the create_training_set() function. It demands a df with which one can join the features described by FeatureLookup().
In the example:
training_set = fs.create_training_set(
feature_lookups = feature_lookups,
label = 'rating',
exclude_columns = ['customer_id', 'product_id'])
My problem is specifically with df. I have a feature store table that contains all the information I need, features and label, but as of now I need to create a separate dataframe with an index and my label of choice (which I am extracting from the feature store with read_table()), and then create a training_set joining it with the rest of the features I need from that table. This seems like an unnecessary step.
Isn't there a way to create the training set without having to create this "index" df first? If I use the multiple feature lookup trick I will still need to inform some df to the create_training_set() command for it to work since it is a mandatory parameter.