Currently we are using an all-purpose compute cluster. When we tried to allocate the scheduled jobs to job cluster, we are blocked at the following error:
SUBNET_EXHAUSTED_FAILURE(CLOUD_FAILURE): azure_error_code:SubnetIsFull,azure_error_message:No more address space to create NIC within injected virtual network. Details: { "error": { "code": "SubnetIsFull", "message": "Subnet public-subnet-databricks-wwmddatabricksnonprod01 with address prefix does not have enough capacity for 1 IP addresses.", "details": [] } },databricks_error_message:Error code: SubnetIsFull, error message: No more address space to create NIC within injected virtual network. Details: { "error": { "code": "SubnetIsFull", "message": "Subnet public-subnet-databricks-wwmddatabricksnonprod01 with address prefix does not have enough capacity for 1 IP addresses.", "details": [] } }
We raised a service request to the cloud vendor, Microsoft recommended updating the CIDR range on the Databricks workspace to allocate more no. of IPs to the Network address.
Could you please help us to clarify the below questions?
1)What all are data bricks objects will impact/have to take care of during the updating CIDR range on the Databricks workspace to allocate more no. of IPs to the Network address space
2)Is it the right approach to what we are doing, or is there any alternate way?