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Java heap issue, GC allocation failure while writing data from mysql to adls

New Contributor III

Hi Team,

I am reading 60 million -80million data from mysql server and writing into ADLS in parquet format but i am getting java heap issue, GC allocation failure and out of memory issue.

below are my cluster configuration  

Driver - 56GB Ram, 16 core

Worker - 56GB Ram, 16 core

autos-calling enabled with min 4 worker to max 8 worker 

could you please help to resolve the issue ?

after reading the data from mysql server 

df.count() is giving me the result but df.write is failing with above mentioned error

i have tried with df.repartition() from 128 to 1024 but no luck also tried salting but dit now work for df.write.parquet


New Contributor III

team help me to resolve the problem 

New Contributor III


every time I am seeing data behaviour like this 

Honored Contributor

How do you read and write the records? Which cluster size do you use?

New Contributor III


below is the code

driver=“com.mysql.cj. jdbc.Driver'
database_host =“ip address"
database_name =“database"
table =“table"
user ="user”
password =“0password"
url = f"jdbc:mysq]://(database_host): (database_port)/(database_name)?zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL”
remote_ tablel=
format ("idb")
.option ("driver", driver)
.option ("url", url)
.option ("query", "select * from database.table where deleted =0")
.option ("user", user)
.option ("password", password)
.option ("maxRows InMemory",

remote_table1.write.format ("parquet"). partitionBy("name") .save("/mt/sm/process/replica/datalake/myuday/datalake/2024/09/19”)


cluster config-

worker type - Standard_DS13_v2(56 ram 8 cores) min worker 8 max 12

driver type - Standard_DS13_v2(56 ram 8 cores) min worker 8 max 12

Honored Contributor

Multiple things.

  1. First very obvious thing: "5000000" - It's not surprising that you run OOM when loading such a huge amount of records.
  2. The DBR has a built-in MySQL driver, use it instead
  3. Use fetchSize to control the number of records. Start e.g. with 1000 and measure the performance. Adapt it if needed
  4. If the source table has a partition column, use it as described here.

New Contributor III


thanks for the reply

let me try the approaches which you mentioned and see the performance. will update you shortly.

New Contributor III

Hi @Witold 
Now i am able to read the data but one issue i am seeing is that out of 8 executor 3 are getting success in just 2-3 sec and rest 5 are running why this behavior.

below is the code

remote_table1 = (
  .option("url", url)
  .option("dbtable","(select * from db.table) temp")
  .option("user", user)
  .option("password", password)
  .option("fetchSize", "50000")
  .option("lowerBound", "1")
  .option("upperBound", "12")
  .option("partitionColumn", "month")
  .option("numPartitions", 8)
also please find snapshot of execution Capture2.PNG

New Contributor III

Hi @Witold 

After trying 
table = (
.option("url", "<jdbc-url>")
.option("dbtable", "<table-name>")
.option("user", "<username>")
.option("password", "<password>")
.option("fetchSize", "1000") -- to 50000

job is taking lots of time  and not even reading 10 million records.

New Contributor II

Hello good man 

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