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PySpark column object not callable using "when otherwise" transformation

New Contributor II

The very first "when" function results in the posted error message (see image). The print statement of the count of df_td_amm works. A printSchema of the "df_td_amm" data frame confirms that "AGE" is a column. A select statement is also successful, so wondering why the column isn't accessible in the "when" function. I've tried referencing the column df_td_amm.AGE and get the same error.

I've tried this on two other small dataframes not created using Pandas and encounter the same error. For two other multi-column dataframes, the "when" function works fine referencing the columns as expected.

import pandas as pd
import pyspark.sql
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
months = list(range(26))
pdf = pd.DataFrame(months, columns = ['AGE'])
df_td_amm = spark.createDataFrame(pdf).cache()
df_age_bucket = df_td_amm \
                   .withColumn("COMPOUNDING_FREQ", \
                                   when(col("AGE") <= 3, "00-03 Months")
                                  .when(col("AGE") <= 6, "04-06 Months")
                                  .when(col("AGE") <= 9, "07-09 Months")



Esteemed Contributor III

the syntax is when(....).otherwise(...), not other(...)

And there are some backslashes missing.

Hi @Karl Lacher​,

Just a friendly follow-up. Did the response from Werner's help? if it did, please mark it as best. Otherwise, please let us know if you still need help.