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Pyspark Dataframes orderby only orders within partition when having multiple worker

New Contributor III

I came across a pyspark issue when sorting the dataframe by a column. It seems like pyspark only orders the data within partitions when having multiple worker, even though it shouldn't. 


from pyspark.sql import functions as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

num_rows = 1000000
num_cols = 300

# Create DataFrame mit 1 Million Rows and 300 columns with random data
columns = ["col_" + str(i) for i in range(num_cols)]
data = spark.range(0, num_rows)

# create id column first
data = data.repartition(1) # we need this here so monotonically_increasing_id gives all numbers sequentially
data = data.withColumn("test1", F.monotonically_increasing_id())
data = data.orderBy(F.rand())
data = data.repartition(10)

for col_name in columns:
    data = data.withColumn(col_name, F.rand())

# default sorting which leads to wrong sorting
data = data.orderBy("test1", ascending=False)
test2 ="test1")).first()[0]
plt.plot(test2, color="red")

# test sorting after repartioning to 1 partition
data2 = data.repartition(1)
data2 = data2.orderBy("test1", ascending=False)
test3 ="test1")).first()[0]
plt.plot(test3, color="red")


The first plot looks like this:


The second plot looks like this:



The second plot (after repartitioning to 1 partition) shows the correct sorting.


Is this a known issue? If so it is a pyspark issue or a databricks issue? When having only one worker both plots are correct.


Thanks for your quick answer. Where can I find the information that orderby() or sort() is only sorting within the partition? The official doc does not mention this.

New Contributor III


Sorry if I have to ask again, but I am a bit confused by this.

I thought, that pysparks `orderBy()` and `sort()` do a shuffle operation before the sorting for exact this reason. There is another command `sortWithinPartitions()` that does not do that and does a partition wise sorting. I am acutally suprised that `sort()` also only works partition wise. But then: Why does it work on a singleNode Cluster on a partitioned DataFrame?

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

The orderBy function in PySpark is expected to perform a global sort, which involves shuffling the data across partitions to ensure that the entire DataFrame is sorted. This is different from sortWithinPartitions, which only sorts data within each partition.

Let me try your program and understand the results further.

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

Both before and after repartition I see the same results for orderBy

New Contributor II


Did you try with a multiple worker cluster? Which Runtime with which spark version did you use?

Maybe it would be good to test with Runtime 13.3, then we would know that it was fixed in the meantime.

I found this on StackOverflow. Seems someone had a similar problem:

There is also a very old HIVE bug ticket that was never resolved. Not sure, if it could be connected:

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

okay, I do see a difference in 13.3, while not in 15.4.

For your tests would you be able to use higher DBR? 

It means, that the issue is resolved in higher DBR and could be some improvement. 

Valued Contributor II

Hi @dbx-user7354 ,

OrderBy() should perform a global sort as showed in plot-2, but as per your problem it is sorting the data within the partitions which is the behavior of sortWithinPartitions(), so to solve this error. Please try with the latest DBR runtime and then try to check the result. I think the problem is from databricks runtime side.

If this helps, mark it as solution.


Avinash N

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