This article rightly suggests to install `ray` with `%pip`, although it fails to mention that installing it as a cluster library won't work.
The reason, I think, is that `setup_ray_cluster` will use `sys.executable` (ie `/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-{UUID}/bin/python`) to run, which in turn calls the `ray` executable command.
If `ray` is installed with `%pip` its executable command will be in the same folder as `sys.executable` and so everything works fine, but if `ray` is installed as a cluster library (ie in `/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python`) then it won't find it.
I've tried to add it to PATH but didn't work
import sys
And some more debugging (in a new session)
import subprocess
import sys
import os
print("/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/bin" in sys.path) # False
print("/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/bin" in os.environ["PATH"]) # True
print(["ray", "--version"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")) # ray, version 2.3.0