* Reading Avro files from s3 and then writing to the delta table
* Ingested sample data of 10 files, which contain four columns, and it infers the schema automatically as expected
* Introducing a new file which contains a new column [foo] along with existing columns and stream failed and threw identified new field error, which is expected
* Restarting the stream, add the new columns to the delta table
* Introducing a new file which contains another new column [Foo, but only it differs by case compared to the previous new column]
* Expected: stream should not fail and add that new column info into the **_rescued_data**
* Actual: stream failed to throw the below-given error message
* com.databricks.sql.transaction.tahoe.DeltaAnalysisException: Found duplicate column(s) in the data to save: metadata
NOTE: I saw the option `readerCaseSensitive` in the document, but the explanation is unclear. I tried to set both false and true but faced the same issue.
stream = (spark.readStream
.option("cloudFiles.format", "avro")
.option("cloudFiles.schemaLocation", bronzeCheckpoint)
#.option("readerCaseSensitive", False)
.option("path", bronzeTable)
.option("checkpointLocation", bronzeCheckpoint)
.option("mergeSchema", True)
My understanding from the document, if there are case mismatches in the column name, the column not that in the schema capture should be moved to _rescued_column. Please let me know if that s not the case. Thanks