We have implemented an asset bundle (DAB) that creates a wheel. During DAB deployment, the wheel is built and stored in the folder of the service principal running the deployment via GH workflow. The full path is
Within the same DAB, we define and deploy a job that is running on a shared general purpose cluster. The cluster is created via terraform and owned by the same service principal. Adding the wheel to tasks of this job via libraries-element results in a failure: LibraryInstallationError. Error message:
run failed with error message Library installation failed for library due to user error for whl: "/Workspace/Users/SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-ID/.bundle/main_bundle/dev_dev/artifacts/.internal/WHEEL-NAME.whl" Error messages: Library installation attempted on the driver node of cluster CLUSTER-ID and failed. User does not have permission to read the library file, or the file path does not exist. Error Code: FILE_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE. Error Message: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File file:/Workspace/Users/SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-ID/.bundle/main_bundle/dev_dev/artifacts/.internalWHEEL-NAMEwhl does not exist
Listing the file path copied from that message using ls, dbutils, or even pip install works fine in a notebook. I can also verify that the file is owned {display as owned in the UI that is) by the service principal.
Any ideas?