Wildcards are currently not supported with dbutils. You can move the whole directory:
dbutils.fs.mv("file:/tmp/test", "dbfs:/tmp/test2", recurse=True)
or just a single file:
dbutils.fs.mv("file:/tmp/test/test.csv", "dbfs:/tmp/test2/test2.csv")
Since the wildcards are not allowed, we need to make it work in this way (list the files and then move or copy - slight traditional way)
import os
def db_list_files(file_path, file_prefix):
file_list = [file.path for file in dbutils.fs.ls(file_path) if os.path.basename(file.path).startswith(file_prefix)]
return file_list
files = db_list_files('file:/your/src_dir', 'foobar')
for file in files:
dbutils.fs.cp(file, os.path.join('dbfs:/your/tgt_dir', os.path.basename(file)))