I have upgraded my expired Student subscription to 'Azure subscription 1' in Azure portal today. I want to use Databricks for personal projects as pay-as-you-go.
When I go to my Databricks workspace and to my notebook and try to create a cluster,
Compute - Create with Personal Compute - it gives me this error:
Access Denied
You do not have permission to access this page.
Only users with access to cluster policies or the "Create Cluster" permission can create new clusters.
Please contact your administrator for access.
I can also see a message pop-up inviting me to Upgrade to premium ('trial expired. Upgrade to Premium in Azure portal'. Only an admin or a contributor can upgrade to Premium.). When I click on this message, it brings me to select 'my-workspace' (https://accounts.azuredatabricks.net/workspace-select) and then back to my Data Science and Engineering page with my notebooks with the same message, 'Upgrade to premium', still displayed.
Can someone from Databricks help me with this?
I am not sure how to reach out to Databricks support directly, because with the Help option, it is asking me to
"Enter your Databricks
Workspace Domain to log in"
because I'm not a company, I'm not sure what to enter there.
Thank you very much for any advice about how to overcome this issue.