@Gary Mu :
Yes, you are correct. The error message you are seeing is likely due to the fact that the fit_params parameter was deprecated in GridSearchCV in sklearn 1.2.2.
One possible solution is to use a different version of scikit-learn that is compatible with spark-sklearn 0.3.0 and still has the fit_params parameter. You can try downgrading scikit-learn to a version prior to 1.2.2, such as 1.1.0, which should be compatible with spark-sklearn 0.3.0 and still have the fit_params parameter.
Alternatively, you could modify the GridSearchCV implementation in spark-sklearn to remove the fit_params parameter. You can do this by forking the spark-sklearn repository, modifying the code, and building a new version of the package. Another option is to use Hyperopt or Optuna for hyperparameter tuning instead of GridSearchCV . These libraries are designed for distributed computing and can be used with Databricks.