Hi all,
I am getting an error that I previously didn't have within VSCode when authenticating to Databricks-Connect in PowerShell.
When I run "databricks auth login" and choose a profile, I get the following:
> Error: cannot load Databricks config file: open โชC:\Users\my.username\Luigi\.databrickscfg: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
My configuration file has not changed since it last worked. I have the values setup in PATH as well as a configuration file. The file environment variable also exists. I have also tried overriding the path in the extension settings. Nothing has worked. The log is providing a path to a file that does exist, however its telling me it doesn't.
I have tried putting the file into my %USERNAME% folder, C:\, even in my venv/Scripts path in case it was a user permissions issue and PS was running under another account.
The account is also an administrator account. The VM is a Windows Server 2016 Standard.
Not sure why this has happened and I can't find anything else on Google. Has this happened to anybody else?
In addition to this, I have tried deleting the file and creating a new config file through the extension, but it is telling me that "Authentication using OAuth U2M failed. Select a different method." - I've never seen this either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys