Hi NandiniN,
I'm having the same error. Let me give you some context of my use case.
I need to calculate the size of the container, so I created a function that loops over the folder structure using "dbutils.fs.ls". Inside container we have both, external and managed tables. But I'm not attempting to create anything inside container, just need to read every file size inside container. When attempting to do so, is that I'm getting below error.
===== ERROR =====
[RequestId=887e131d-4cea-41f6-a226-7b804e07f938 ErrorClass=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE.LOCATION_OVERLAP] Input path url 'abfss://<container>@<storage_account>.dfs.core.windows.net/managed/<subfolder>/data/__unitystorage' overlaps with managed storage within 'ListFiles' call.
I've assigned permissions "Storage Blob Data Contributor" + "Storage Blob Data Owner" on storage account to the Managed Identity declared in Catalog. I've also added permissions "ALL PRIVILEGES" on External location and Storage Credentials. But I'm still getting the same error.
Is this supported in UC? If this is not the best approach, how would you achieve this task?
Regards, Emiliano