I am trying to set up Unity-Catalog for my company and ran into a problem today. Basically, for each new source of data we ingest, we create a view-layer on top of the "tables". We do that because we have pseudonymized information in our datalake environment, and we decrypt the information on-the-fly using views.
We organize the view-layer by putting views that belong to a source inside a database/schema. We then provide access to the whole database/schema for users that need it.
Back then I discovered that, if you can view the metadata of VIEWS, you could see the key that was used to decrypt columns in plain-text. I could, however, restrict this by simply removing READ_METADATA permission from users. That way, users could not see the schema, history, or any other detail about the view (see screenshot depicted below).
Even if I provide only USE CATALOG (on catalog level), USE SCHEMA and SELECT (on database/schema level) permission to users, they can still see the "View definition" in the Details tab of that view. This exposes the decryption key in plain-text (see screenshot depicted below).
I searched and I don't see anything like READ_METADATA permission we had before, in order to restrict this for our users in Unity-Catalog. Do you have any idea on how can I hide this information?