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Community Dashboard Contest

Monday May 2 - June 12 🎉

It’s a community dashboard sharing contest! We want to see your creative Databricks dashboards - our grand prize winners will win tickets and airfare to Data & AI Summit 2022 in San Francisco ! 

How to play

  1. Screenshot the dashboard that represents your toughest or most unique data challenges
  2. Add your dashboard screenshot to a reply on this thread - right below, just click in the ‘write and answer’ box
  3. In 2-5 sentences, describe the dashboard and tell us what makes it unique to your challenges
  4. Submit entry ! Our team will review them as they come in and announce winners on Fridays from now until June 13 ! 


Valid entries must include the following:

  • A screenshot of a Databricks dashboard
    • Personal identifiable information (PII) must be edited out of any screenshot you post 
    • Moderators will be reviewing and have the right to delete entries if PII is exposed
  • A description on how the dashboard solves for tricky or unique data problem(s) 

Link to official contest rules


  • What if the data I want to share is private? 
    • You should edit out any and all PII and secure information before posting on the Databricks Community for this contest since it’s a public site. 
  • How will you choose the contest winners? 
    • Contest winners will be chosen by our team of DBSQL Product Managers based on the following criteria: 
    • 1. Dashboard that is easy to read/interpret
    • 2. Includes a clear description of the unique problem the dashboard solves for
    • 3. Creativity of problem solving
  • How many times can I post a dashboard? I have several that are unique that the community should know about.
    • Post as many dashboards as you like: there is no limit to how many entries you can post. However, you may only win one grand prize.

Best of luck! Hope to see you at Summit!


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi, I will try to prepare something. It is virtual tickets, I hope 🙂

Not applicable

ImageHere is an example of a contest entry: nice and simple, clear and has examples of using DBSQL for specific info!

New Contributor II

image.pngSparks fly when data connects: what additional insights can we achieve when connecting different data silos? 

This dashboard showcases the benefits of what happens when we breach and link separate data silos. 

All data is coming from free and public available datasets, with one common denominator: energy. 

Is there a correlation between the number of solar power systems, net taxable income and sustainable buildings? 

New Contributor II

@Lindsay Olson​ - I Hope this contest is still open!

Not applicable

It sure is, @Karan Vijayakumar​ ! Post quick! (ends Sunday!)

Great! Thanks!

New Contributor II

Hi! Is there any way to participiate in this being 20 yers old?

Not applicable

Hi @Olli Glorioso​ ! You can absolutely still post, but winners must be 21+ yrs old to qualify. I hope you still share your dashboard with us! 🙏

New Contributor II


I had to change some of the information because it was sensible information.

The main purpose of Tablero General is monitoring the energy consumption, to see if the machines are consuming more or less energy than expected.

image.png In this report, we had the need to see every day if the process runs correctly or if something went wrong. This is a report for data engineers, so they can locate and solve the problem faster.


The need for this dashboard was to see if the trucks are arriving on time or not and at the same time see their location on the route they are taking.


New Contributor II

CalibrationDashboardUsers of competitive programming websites often have long discussions regarding how hard the questions on a website are and whether their difficulty tags accurately reflect their difficulty. The problem of accurately tagging questions based on the difficulty of implementation is a non-trivial problem because difficulty is a subjective opinion. 

This dashboard measures drift between the difficulty labels a popular competitive programming assigns to stated problems and the quantitative effort it takes someone to code a working solution.

Not applicable

Thank you to everyone that shared a dashboard for the contest!

I will reach out via email to our winners - look out for it!

I think it's especially amazing when knowledge and data are shared in this way. I hope to see a lot more of this in the community in the future. Excellent stuff! 🎉

This contest in now closed.

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