Hi @anushajalesh28, To create a catalog in Azure Databricks, you need to specify the Azure storage account and storage container in the MANAGED LOCATION clause.
Let’s break down the query:
CREATE CATALOG IF NOT EXISTS Databricks_Anu_Jal_27022024 MANAGED LOCATION 'abfss://<databricks-workspace-stack-anu-storage>.dfs.core.windows.net/<databricks-workspace-stack-anu-bucket>';
Here’s how you can find the required information:
Azure Storage Account Name:
- The storage account name corresponds to the Azure storage account where your data resides.
- You can find this information in the Azure portal or by checking with your Azure administrators.
- It typically follows the format: storageaccadls01.
Storage Container Name (File System Name):
- The container name (also known as the file system name) represents the specific container within your storage account.
- You can locate it by navigating to your Azure storage account and identifying the container where your data is stored.
- For example, if your container is named raw, you would replace <container-name> in the query with raw.
Putting It All Together:
Replace <storage-account-name> with the actual Azure storage account name.
Replace <container-name> with the name of the container (file system) where your data resides.
The resulting query should look something like this:
- CREATE CATALOG IF NOT EXISTS Databricks_Anu_Jal_27022024 MANAGED LOCATION 'abfss://<storage-account-name>.dfs.core.windows.net/<container-name>';
If you encounter any issues, consult with your workspace and cloud administrators to ensure proper configuration.
Happy catalog creation! 🌟🔍📂