You should be redirected to the KB page, but this is the information contained:
How to migrate Shared folders and the notebooks
Shared notebooks are not migrated into new workspace by default
Please find the script to migrate the Shared folder data.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
from subprocess import call, check_output
EXPORT_PROFILE = "primary"
IMPORT_PROFILE = "secondary"
# Get a list of all users
# Export sandboxed environment(folders, notebooks) for each user and import into new workspace.
#Libraries are not included with these APIs / commands.
#print("Trying to migrate workspace for user ".decode() + user)
print ("Trying to migrate workspace for Shared folders ")
export_exit_status = call("databricks workspace export_dir /Shared/" + " ./" + " --profile " + EXPORT_PROFILE, shell = True)
import_exit_status = call("databricks workspace import_dir ./Shared/ /Shared/" + " --profile " + IMPORT_PROFILE, shell=True)
print ("All done")