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Source to Bronze Organization + Partition


Hi there, I hope I have what is effectively a simple question. I'd like to ask for a bit on guidance if I am structuring my source-to-bronze auto loader data properly. Here's what I have currently:


For this example, I'm trying to set up a source-to-*bronze* pipeline. Some examples I've seen online are a bit closer to the following:

.../autoloader/<oem>/<database>/<table>/source/project_id={x}/*.csv (aka: original raw data)
.../autoloader/<oem>/<database>/<table>/bronze (aka: the ingested bronze data)
.../autoloader/<oem>/<database>/<table>/checkpoint (still a bit unfamiliar with this one)
.../autoloader/<oem>/<database>/<table>/schema (i.e. keep track of current or evolving schema)

At the end of the day, I'm essentially wanting to have a clean database.table format that looks like the following:


Does this seem right or am I missing anything?