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since ‎12-12-2023

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  • 26 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 14 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

Good day,Deceptively simple question, are there any "Databricks only" specific features that Unity Catalog offers? I understand that generally speaking enabling UC offers some of the following:Data Discovery and LineageAuditing and MonitoringAccess C...
Hi there,I'm curious if anyone is able to definitively help me answer how DLT Job Clusters operate/run.For example, the following is my baseline understanding of DLT Job Clusters. If I run a Triggered DLT Pipeline (e.g. daily) the job cluster takes m...
Hi there, silly question here but can anyone help me understand what practical purpose does labelling the table_properties with "quality":"<specific_medallion>"? For example: @Dlt.table( comment="Bronze live streaming table for Test data", name="...
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to "de-duplicate" data via DLT. Currently, my only leads are:Manage data quality with Delta Live Tables | Databricks on AWSVia "Drop invalid records"Constraints on Databricks | Databricks on AWSVia "pre-de...
Not sure if this has come up before, but I'm wondering if Databricks has any kind of functionality to "watch" an API call for changes?E.g. Currently I have a frequently running job that pulls data via an API call and overwrites the old data. This see...
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