I want to connect to my Azure Synapse database using Spark. I can do this in pyodbc no problem but that is not what I want.
Here is how I get my credentials
credential = AzureCliCredential()
databaseToken = credential.get_token('https://database.windows.net/')
# get bytes from token obtained
tokenb = bytes(databaseToken[0], "UTF-8")
exptoken = b''
for i in tokenb:
exptoken += bytes({i})
exptoken += bytes(1)
tokenstruct = struct.pack("=i", len(exptoken)) + exptoken
I tried this to see if it would work but I am obviously not doing this correctly.
cambio_data_lake = '<synapse database>.sql.azuresynapse.net'
gauges_table = (spark.read
.option("host", cambio_data_lake)
.option("port", "3342") # optional, can use default port 1433 if omitted
.option("dbtable", "cambioinspection")
Is there another approach for connecting using a token?