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Databricks not able to create table in minio bucket

New Contributor II

Trying to create table in minio bucket using databricks.

spark.sql("create database if not exists minio_db_1 managed location 's3a://my-bucket/minio_db_1'");

I am passing the s3 configurations using spark context.

access_key = 'XXXX'

secret_key = 'XXXXXXX'

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3a.access.key", access_key)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3a.secret.key", secret_key)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "http://my-ip:9000")

With this config I am able to write data in s3 using


But it's throwing exception when I m trying to create table/database;

spark.sql("create database if not exists minio_db_1 managed location 's3a://my-bucket/minio_db_1'");

AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Got exception: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException s3a://my-bucket/my-database: getFileStatus on s3a://test2/minio_db_1: Forbidden; request: HEAD minio_db_1 {} Hadoop 3.3.4, aws-sdk-java/1.12.189 Linux/5.4.0-1093-aws OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.345-b01 java/1.8.0_345 scala/2.12.14 vendor/Azul_Systems,_Inc. cfg/retry-mode/legacy; Request ID: 6YBEAZY59EYGAEVB, Extended Request ID: o+h6YBGczQmWsnFMW8kLGi+llJ+v3ysqoz05fnNYTH901+ACgmi5x50dE2ekXbNrr3qQf81uOx8=, Cloud Provider: AWS, Instance ID: i-072d1969af3c17cb6 (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: 403 Forbidden; Request ID: 6YBEAZY59EYGAEVB; S3 Extended Request ID: o+h6YBGczQmWsnFMW8kLGi+llJ+v3ysqoz05fnNYTH901+ACgmi5x50dE2ekXbNrr3qQf81uOx8=; Proxy: null), S3 Extended Request ID: o+h6YBGczQmWsnFMW8kLGi+llJ+v3ysqoz05fnNYTH901+ACgmi5x50dE2ekXbNrr3qQf81uOx8=:403 Forbidden)

The request should routed to the s3a endpoint, but it's routing to the generic s3 endpoint. Somehow spar.sql not honouring the spark context configurations.

Can anyone please point out the configs lacking here for table creation?


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi @Wasim Reza​ I think there are some permission issue while creating the database-

(message:Got exception: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException s3a://my-bucket/my-database: getFileStatus on s3a://test2/minio_db_1:)

Esteemed Contributor III
Esteemed Contributor III

Hi, what if , if you change s3a://<> to s3://<>?

Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @Wasim Reza​ 

Why is fs.s3a.endpoint pointing to http://my-ip:9000? Can you verify if this is the right aws endpoint?

Is there any instance profile attached to the cluster? access-secret keys along with instance profile can be confusing.

Verify the permissions on the AWS side.

@Vivian Wilfred​ I am using Minio as a s3 provider, Minio apis are s3 compatable it only has different endpoint.

@Wasim Reza​ Can you try setting it to or https://s3.<region> ?

@Vivian Wilfred​ right now by default its pointing to the [from the logs]. If we use s3.<region> it will not find the bucket as the bucket is in minio cluster not in the s3 region

Esteemed Contributor III

MANAGED LOCATION is for Unity Catalog. Please check if you are under the unity catalog, not under hive metastore. Additionally, with Unity, you are not using sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration() etc. but just register storage credentials and external location in metastore first.