Hello ,
I am working with lookupEngine functions.
However, we have some feature tables with granularity level most detailled of dataframe input.
Please find an example :
table A with unique keys on two features : numero_p, numero_s
So while performing FeatureLookup, we want to join the customer Dataframe with table A, and obtain an output Dataframe including numero_p, numero_s.
Then, we have some customer data in a feature store table and we want to read only specific type, so filter on a feature name.
Please find an example :
table A : numero_p, typology, datdeb, datfin
Now we want to filter on column "typology".
So while performing FeatureLookup, we wish pass some filter to extract only customer from on one typology 'A'.
The lookup does not allow you to do these 2 functions for this time.
Will these functions be possible in the future?