I am facing an issue in loading a ML artifact for a specific run by search the experiment runs to get a specific run_id as follows:
API request to https://eastus-c3.azuredatabricks.net/api/2.0/mlflow/runs/search failed with exception HTTPSConnectionPool(host='eastus-c3.azuredatabricks.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/2.0/mlflow/runs/search (Caused by ResponseError('too many 429 error responses'))
# Search the experiment_id using a filter_string with customer and product_key and order by start time
query = f"params.product_key = {product_key} and params.customer = '{customer}'"
runs_df = mlflow.search_runs([experiment.experiment_id], filter_string=query, order_by=["start_time DESC"])
# Get the latest run id recorded
run_id = runs_df.run_id.values[0]
artifact_uri = runs_df.artifact_uri.values[0]
client = MlflowClient()
429 is an HTTP response status code that indicates the client application has surpassed its rate limit, or number of requests they can send in a given period of time. Is there any fix for that ?
I am running the search_runs() API in a pandas_udf function that does a search at the customer and product_key level in my dataframe to find the proper logged model and artifact to load for inference.
As the inference process is pretty quick and number of product_keys are in the range of 4000 records, I end up hitting the MLFlow search API around 30-40 times per minute.
Any thought on this?