I'm having an issue registering a model saved in a mounted S3 bucket using mlflow.
Let me give a little bit more context:
1. First I mounted my S3 with all the corresponding IAM permissions:
s3_bucket_name = f"s3a://{s3_bucket}"
dbutils.fs.mount(source=s3_bucket_name, mount_point=f"/mnt/{s3_bucket}")
2. Then I created an experiment pointing to that artifact path
3. I started my run and logged my model without registering them. I am logging my model using mlflow and FeatureStoreClient(). (I find the exact same problem with any of the methods of logging the model).
mlflow.pyfunc.log_model("model_mlflow", python_model=model)
fs = FeatureStoreClient()
To this point, everything is working fine.
I can find the models in DBFS in:
- dbfs:/mnt/my-s3-bucket/my-experiment/run_id/artifacts/model_feature_store.
- dbfs:/mnt/my-s3-bucket/my-experiment/run_id/artifacts/model_mlflow
I can find the models in my S3 bucket too.
I can access my mlflow model with load_model without any problem from my notebook
model_mlflow = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_uri=f"runs:/{active_run_id}/model_mlflow")
I can do fs.score_batch() with the Feature Store Client model as well without problem:
fs.score_batch(model_uri=f"runs:/{active_run_id}/model_feature_store", df = df)
The problem comes at the final step when trying to register my model:
If I try to either:
I get the exact same error:
MlflowException: Model version creation failed for model name: model version: 4 with status: FAILED_REGISTRATION and message:
Failed registration. The given source path `dbfs:/mnt/<my-s3-bucket>/<my-experiment-name>/<run_id>/artifacts/model_mlflow` does not exist.
If I follow the exact same steps but save the experiment in a DBFS path outside the mounted S3 bucket I have no problem at all with the registration step. It only happens when I save the experiment in the S3-mounted bucket inside the S3.
Why can't I register a model in Databricks when it is saved in dbfs:/mnt/S3-bucket?
Thank you in advance!!