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Contributor II
since ‎02-22-2024

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  • 47 Posts
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  • 2 Kudos given
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Hi team,I have a delta table src, and somehow I want to replicate it to another table tgt with CDF, sort of (spark .readStream .format("delta") .option("readChangeFeed", "true") .table('src') .writeStream .format("delta") ...
Hi,If I use dropDuplicates inside foreachBatch, the dropDuplicates will become stateless and no state. It just drop duplicates for the current micro batch so I don't have to specify watermark. Is this true?Thanks
Hi,I'm using runtime 15.4 LTS or 14.3 LTS. When loading a delta lake table from Kinesis, I found the delta log checkpoint is in mixing formats like:7616 00000000000003291896.checkpoint.b1c24725-....json 7616 00000000000003291906.checkpoint.873e1b3e-....
Hi team,Kinesis -> delta table raw -> job with trigger=availableNow -> delta table target. The Kinesis->delta table raw is running continuously. The job is daily with trigger=availableNow. The job reads from raw, do some transformation, and run a MER...
Hi team, I'm using trigger=availableNow to read delta table daily. The delta table itself is loaded by structured streaming from kinesis. I noticed there are many offsets under checkpoint, and when the job starting to run to get data from delta table...
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