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New Contributor II
since ‎03-26-2024
2 weeks ago

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  • 6 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos received

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I am trying to add a column to an existing delta lake table by adding a column and saving the table as a new table. The spark driver is getting overloaded. I have databricks notebook to work with (I have a decent compute as well g5.12xlarge) and have...
I want to move a zip file from DBFS to a workspace folder.I am using dbutils.fs.cp("dbfs file path", "workspace folder path"), in databricks notebook and I am seeing the following error - ExecutionError: An error occurred while calling o455.cp. : jav...
I have access to databricks cloud UI. I use the notebooks for my experiments (not MLFlow).I install libraries using the notebooks by using this command - !pip install LIBRARY_NAMEI am unable to install tkinter and use it in notebook as. Is there a wa...
I have created a pytorch model using databricks notebooks and saved it in a folder in workspace. MLFlow is not used.When I try to download the files from the folder it exceeds the download limit. Is there a way to download the model locally into my s...
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