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New Contributor III
since ‎04-11-2024

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  • 9 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos received

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Hi,We are getting below exception on shared access mode Method public java.lang.String com.databricks.backend.common.rpc.CommandContext.toJson() is not whitelisted on class class
Hi,I'm running shallow clone for external delta tables. The shallow clone is failing for source tables where I don't have MODIFY permission. I'm getting below exception. I don't understand why MODIFY permission to source table is required. Is there a...
Hi,I'm looking for information how to create/mount ephemeral storage to Databricks driver node in Azure Cloud.  Does anyone have any experience working with ephemeral storage?Thanks,
Hi,I'm getting below error when I'm trying to create table shallow clone on my DBR 15.0.[CANNOT_SHALLOW_CLONE_NON_UC_MANAGED_TABLE_AS_SOURCE_OR_TARGET] Shallow clone is only supported for the MANAGED table type. The table xxx_clone is not MANAGED tab...
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