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Contributor II
since ‎06-05-2024

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  • 21 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
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I have a process in DBX/DAB and I am using Service Principal for generating a token for reaching the artifacts feed, for security this token lasts 1 hour.import requests YOUR_AZURE_TENANT_ID = ... YOUR_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID = ... YOUR_SECRET_S...
Hello, I currently have a Service Principal (SP) Client_Id and its associated secret, I generated it directly from my workspace in Databricks, i was following this post:, but I don't know how to generate ...
I have a CI/CD process that after a Pull Request (PR) to main it deploys to staging.It works using a Personal Access Token using Azure Pipelines.From local, deploying using Service Principal works (
Context:Hello, I was using a workflow for a periodic process, with my team we were using a Job Compute, but the libraries were not working (even though we had a PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL defined in the Environment Variables of the Cluster, so we now use a ...
How can I connect using a Service Principal Token, I did this, but it is not a PAT: databricks configure Databricks host: https:// ... Personal access token: ****  I also tried this, but didn't work either: [profile] host = <workspace-url> client_id ...