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New Contributor III
since ‎06-17-2024

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  • 10 Posts
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  • 6 Kudos given
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HelloWe have a development, a test and a production environmentHow do you generally deploy DDL changes?So, alter a table in development and apply to test then productione.g.table1 has column1, column2, column3I add column4I now want to deploy this ch...
HelloI've seen posts that show how to remove duplicates, something like this:MERGE into [deltatable] as targetUSING ( select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By [primary keys] Order By [date] desc) as rn  from [deltatable] qualify rn> 1 ) as sourceON ...
Hello I have a table that has a column defined as an identity (BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY)I will be inserting rows into this table in parallelHow can I get the identity and use that within a pipelineParallel is relevant as there will be mult...
HelloI'm building a datawarehouse with all the usual facts and dimensionsIt will flush (truncate) and rebuild on a monthly basisUsers have the need to not only view the data now but also view it historically i.e. what it was a point in timeMy initial...
HiI have a databricks table that has a column with a string datatypeWhen loading data, certain rows are prefixed by ' > 'Does anybody know what would cause this?It seems to be when the string is above a certain number of characters (around 200)Thanks